Biedouw Valley Rooibos – Vanilla Flavor and Rooibos

(1 customer review)


Sweet and dessert like

Vanilla plan folia, Rooibos

40 teabags

1 in stock

An amazing take on classic rooibos tea is full-bodied and finely flavoured with vanilla. It can be used to treat acne, improve hair growth, speed healing, reduce inflammation, prevent chronic disease and protect the heart.

High anti-oxidants, kilojoule free, anti-ageing

Caffeine free. Low in Tannin. Suitable for children, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Natural

Biedouw Valley, Cedarberg, Western Cape, South Africa

How to Prepare:
Amount: 1 tea bag / 250ml
Water temp: 100C
Steep time. 3 - 7 minutes.

For iced tea: Double the amount, steep for the required time (or longer) and pour over ice cubes to chill.

Can be served with or without sugar and milk, hot or ice cold

Hot, Iced, Culinary

Shelf life from date of manufacture 
36 months

Additional information

Weight 0.168 kg
Dimensions 8 × 8 × 14 cm

1 review for Biedouw Valley Rooibos – Vanilla Flavor and Rooibos

  1. Nicki Peverett

    This is one of my personal favorites. Smooth and beautiful and just makes me feel good.

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